


My analysis of the presentaion is:


The main point of this presentation is about introducing a new technology: prosthetic arm. Dean Kamen succeeds in inventing a prosthetic arm at the request of the US Department of Defense to use it on soldiers who have lost parts of their bodies. The topic was extremely fascinating and interesting, and I also think he has wrapped his presentation nicely in 5 minutes. The visuals he showed the audience in the very last part of his presentation has impressed them greatly. I think it was a good idea to put the visuals last and explain about it before, so that the audience can speculate at first what this "prosthetic arm" actually is, then show the video and surprise the audience and emphasize that image into their memories.

Overall I think it was a good presentation, but there were some weaknesses.


- He talks quite fast, and has a little bit of country side accent, so it would have been easier to understand if he talked more slowly.
- There were few difficult, professional words he used that I could not comprehend to.
- The tone of his voice is flat the whole time. This might make people fall asleep.
- He looks down a lot of times, but fairly makes eye to eye contact with the audience.
- He stays at the same spot the whole presenation. It would have been better if he moved around to catch audiences' attention.


- He uses body langauage effectively to explain his invention.
- He makes a joke (although I did not find it funny)
- His comments when watching the video is very accurate and effective. He explained it well in order for the audiences to understand what the prosthetic arm is able to do.
- He showed the video in the last part of his presentation to leave an impact on the audience.
- His intriduction, main point, and conclusion is well thought out. It is concise but comprehensible.
- He looks at no notes, knows it by heart