
1. Successfully achieved purpose / main message?

Reflection: My goal was to make my audience acknowledge the fact that gender discrimination is not an issue that is far related from us. I especially wanted to emphasize that all people should be treated equally no matter what gender they are, by making conncections with my personal experiences. I think I was able to send out my message.

Ideas for Improvement: My conclusion was not strong enough, I should have prepared exactly what to say for my wrap up, but I was not able to, and I think I could have done a lot better for my conclusion.

2. Use of voice? (rhythm, emphasis, pausing, variation)

Reflection: My goal was to calm myself down and speak slowly, since I tend to speak very fast when I am nervous. I also wanted to make as much eye contact as I can with the audience. My voice was slower than usual, but I could have slowed it down a little bit more. I was not able to make much eye contact. Bummer.

Ideas for Improvement: I want to be able to speak in a more flat and serious tone, when I am talking about a serious topic. Because I am nervous, I tend to smile throughout the whole presentation, which seems quite peculiar when you are talking about serious issues.

3. Use of body language? (posture, gestures, eyes, face)

Reflection: My goal was to efficiently use body language in order to strongly convey my message to the listeners. However, I wanted to be carefull not to overuse it. I thought I used body gestures a little bit too much, but I stayed at one spot throughout the presenatation.

Ideas for Improvement: For my next presentations, I want to avoid using too much body languages. Also I want to move around a little bit more to catch the audiences' attention.

4. Use of visuals?

Reflection:I dont really know if my visuals were effiecient, but I do not think it was great. I tried to use graphs and pictures, but I might had too much slides for a 3 min presentation.

Ideas for Improvement: I could have used less slides and pictures that have great impact.

5. Preparation & rehearsal process?

Reflection: I prepared for this presentation by brainstorming my ideas and making a powerpoint, and then presenting in front of the classmates and getting feedbacks from them.I did make a note for the presenation, but it was all written in sentences, so it was not very useful in a short period presenatation. I spoke better at the rehearsal, so hopefully next time I will be able to do as well as the rehearsal.

Ideas for Improvement: For the next presentation, I want to make my notes in a bullet point format, so if I forget what I want to talk about, I would be able to look at my notes and get onto the topic quickly. Also, I think I should have practiced more in front of other people.

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