
Reflections on AEP

a) What are the most valuable things you learned about the process of preparing and delivering presentations? (2 or more)

In the process of preparing and delivering presentations, I have learned the importance of rehearsal and the effectiveness of the use of visuals. Firsat of all, beofre taking this class I have never really rehearsed before giving a presentation. However, by learning the importance of this process in AEP, I have experienced that rehearsing before a presentation is one of the most important factors in gicing an well structured presentation. I have come to notice that if you rehearse, you are able to convey the message to the audience smoothly, and there is a less chance of getting stuck on what you want to say, or losing focus. The second valuable thing I have learned is the use of visuals. When a powerpoint is not required for a presentation, I have never made the effort to use it, but I have learned in this class that this is a big mistake. Through watching other students' presentations, I realized that visuals are essential in order to concisely state your main points and mos importantly, catch the audiences attention. Showing one dynamic picture DOES leave a strong impression on the audience.

b) In what presentation skill areas do you feel you have made progress or improved your awareness? (2 or more)

First of all, I think that my use of voice has improved a lot throughout this AEP course. I have always had problems with the tone of voice, and the speed of the way I speak. I had always tend to mumble and the audience could not understand what I was saying, and I speak at a extremely rapid speed during a presentation. I believe the reason behind these actions were that I was very nervous and frightened about giving a presentation. However, the class mates in the AEP course were all very generous and kind, so I was able to give out my presentation more comfortably , and also was able to control my tone of voice and speed so that the it is easier for the audience to listen to.
Another skill that I have improved in is the skill for Q&As. When giving a presentation before taking the AEP course, I have never confirmed a question or a follow- up, and just simply answered what I was asked from the audience. However, in the AEP course, I have learned that the Q&A sections are an essential part when giving an effective presentation. Answering the listener's question in a way that they are sastisfied with, is extremely important when giving out a persuasive presentation. And by conforming and following up the question, it awares the other listeners to think about the question, and deepen the understanding of the content. By taking this course and understanding the importance of Q&As I applied this skill on other course's presentations, and I got great feedbacks form the listener and one of them had told me my Q&As were comprehensive, and clear.

c) What points do you want to improve further in your future presentations? How can you improve those? (2 or more)

In my futhur presentations, I want to work on my body gestures. When I am watching the presentation videos, I am constantly at the same spot, using too much hand getsures, and a hunched back posture. Because I do this sunconsciously and never realizes it during a presentation, it is very important for me to always keep in mind about my use of body language. I can achieve this by doing a standing rehearsal and asking my friends to point them out. Also, I want to learn how to make a good introduction. Specifically, I want to learn more and improve more on how to use jokes effetively in the introduction. Some people have the nature talent, but unfortunately I don't, so I will keep trying by imitating my friend's jokes or like we did in class, looking them up online and practing it on other people.
Also, I need to improve on being prepared enough to not look at the notes and know what I am going to sy by heart. In the presentation video, I have the tendency to constantly look at the notes, and this distracts me form making eye contact with others and gives an impression to the listeners that I am unsure about my content. As for the solution, I will just have to REHEARSE REHEARSE REHEARSE!!!!
I truly think that this is the only way to memorize the content by heart.


Reflection of Presentation #3


a) The process of preparation and rehearsal
I thought as a group, we prepared enough time during and outside of class to discuss about our presentation. We did not have a formal run through rehearsal, so it would have been better if we have prepared more time on the rehearsal. Everyone cooperated very efficiently in our group, and we were pretty much prepared by the day before the presentation day.
b) The effectiveness of the introduction
I did the introduction, and I have started out with asking the audiences about the earthquake that had occurred that day, comparing it to the earthquake that hit Haiti. I think it was a catchy intro, however, it might have been better if we had visuals to put more dynamics to the intro.
c) The persuasiveness and organization of the content in the body
I think overall, our presentation was well organized in a sense that we have clearly stated what we are going to talk in the beginning and in the end. But, I think we have missed out on including the transitions, EX (Next, Maki is going to talk about...) so our presentation would have been more organized and clear if we have not forgotten to include this.
d) The conclusion and Q&A
Naoko did wrap up the presentation concisely and reviewed the points we have presented clearly. The Q&As were very intense and I think we have interacted well with the audience, but sometimes we have skipped the "conforming the questions" and also "following up the questions".
e) Use of visuals
The visuals were okay, but we could have done better by putting more emphasis or dynamics on each slides. Sometimes I found the slides a little bit dull and boring. I think it was good that we showed videos and put pictures in that we actually took, and not from what we obtained from the internet.
f) Body language: Eye contact, facial expression, gestures, and posture
I think we really did great on this part, we were all able to talk enthusiastically about the problems in Haiti and explaining the desperate need for help. We all moved around a bit and sometimes pointed at the screen for explanation, and I these little actions keep the audiences involved in our presentation.
g) Use of voice
I think the use of voice was well done, since in the video I could hear everyone's voices clearly. I think our speed of voice was just okay, no one spoke extremely fast or extremely slow, and it was a good pace for both the natives and the non natives to be able to understand the content.
h) Other points (as you like)
We have done well in trying to persuade the readers into donating the money to our organization, and I think we had reasonable points as well. however, I think the presentation could have been MUCH better if we knew what we wanted to say by heart, without looking at the notes. We all tried hard not to look at the notes, but it was also difficult for us to really understand all of the content and memorize it in such a short period of time.


a) The process of preparation and rehearsal
I have put in decent amount of time for preparation, but I could have tried harder. I did a rehearsal for my own part, and tried to present it by heart, and before the presentation, i was ready to present without looking at the notes. However when I stood in front of people, immediately I had forgotten everything that I have memorized and was urged to always peep at the notes. I believe that I actually was not fully prepared to present it by heart, and needed more time to rehearse.
b) The effectiveness of the introductionMy introduction was pretty effective, and very formal. I changed the words around a bit but followed the "useful phrases sheet" that Marc gave us. The attention getter was effective, but I thought I could have changed my voice tones to illustrate the serious conditions in Haiti when explaining that the earthquake that hit Haiti is nothing compared to the ones we have experienced that morning day of the presentation.
c) The persuasiveness and organization of the content in the body
I believe we had persuasive points to ask for donations to our organization. However, it was difficult to explain the details of what this organization was intending to do with the money since Haiti icu is an organization that had just been established, and there needs to be more time in order for it to become a more solid organization. for my part, I think I was able to confront the audiences that the situation in Haiti is extremely serious, and many supports are essential in helping the people.
d) The conclusion and Q&A
For the Q&A, I got stuck on what I wanted to say and couldn't find the exact word to express my opinion, and created a long pause when answering kohei's question. I think I really need to improve on the Q&As, because I often tend to think after the presentation is over, I am all DONE, but actually this is not the case and Q&As are important part of the whole presentation as well. I should always remember to conform and to follow up the questions and answers.
e) Use of visuals
I think I used the visuals effectively by including dynamic pictures and videos. I think the video of 360 view of the roads of Haiti caught the audience's attention. It was a very useful tool in presenting the situations in Haiti at a more closer point of view.
f) Body language: Eye contact, facial expression, gestures, and posture
I have tried to make eye contacts with every one of the audiences, but in the video it seemed as though I was just staring at the wall or something else. Facial expression was okay, and because usually in presentations I tend to be energetic and happy, it was difficult for me to shift my facial expression and gestures with a more calm and serious attitude.
g) Use of voice
I think i used a voive clear enough for the audience to listen to. I tried hard in putting emphasis and chnaging my voice on important points, but in the video I was not able to recognize it, so more improvement is necessary.
h) Other points (as you like)
This was not my BEST presnetation, and by watching the video I have noticed several points that I could improve on. I really enjoyed this topic, and I was able to speak with confidence and enthusiasm.


Goals/Assessment for Presentation #2

Reflective Comments

Overall,I believe I have interacted well with the auidence, and made my points clear. However many if my peers have pointed out that my presentation was a bit rushed and I did not clarify the questions asked, so I want to focus on doing my QandAs better next time!

Goals for Future Presentations

I have forgotten to include credibility and state purpose and preview main points. So next time, I would like to remind myself to make a concise introduction. Furthermore, my Q&As were a bit rushed and I felt like I did not fully answer the questions. SO next time I want to take more time on Q&A.


My goals for presenation 2

1. Preparation/Rehearsal
Hopefully I would be able to rehearsal more with my friends in order to give a concise and smoother presenation the last one. I would use the slides I have made last time on "how to wisely shop", so i dont have to make the slides, therefore, i would focus on making my notes easy to understand and interesting to listen to.
2. Content / Overall Impression
I am going to talk about how to shop wisely, one because i love shopping, and two, this presentation is a reminder for myself, since sometimes I tend to buy too many things... But i hope i can talk about this topic with enthusiasm and make it interesting for the audience.
3. Voice
I want to speak at a speed so that everyone would be able to listen to. Also I want to speak loud and clear.
4. Body Language
I dont want to overuse it, because my last presentation, i felt like i had unncessary moves that should be eliminated when giving a presentation.
5. Visuals
I will make a powerpoint and use effective pictures in order for the audience to remember my points and learn something from it.


ACTP Analysis

Attention Getter- done very well. She first says the word that relates to her main point in this presentation which the word is "conatagious". First she makes us think about this word then starts explaining what she means by "contagious" and how this relates to her life story teaching in India.

Credibility- not included

Topic- It is clearly presented. She tells in the introduction that she is going to talk about how her Riverside School in India teaches kids life's most valuable lesson: "I can."

Preview of Points- She does present some preview points by asking questions to the audience once her former topic has finished. I thought the presentation was concise and well structured.


1. Successfully achieved purpose / main message?

Reflection: My goal was to make my audience acknowledge the fact that gender discrimination is not an issue that is far related from us. I especially wanted to emphasize that all people should be treated equally no matter what gender they are, by making conncections with my personal experiences. I think I was able to send out my message.

Ideas for Improvement: My conclusion was not strong enough, I should have prepared exactly what to say for my wrap up, but I was not able to, and I think I could have done a lot better for my conclusion.

2. Use of voice? (rhythm, emphasis, pausing, variation)

Reflection: My goal was to calm myself down and speak slowly, since I tend to speak very fast when I am nervous. I also wanted to make as much eye contact as I can with the audience. My voice was slower than usual, but I could have slowed it down a little bit more. I was not able to make much eye contact. Bummer.

Ideas for Improvement: I want to be able to speak in a more flat and serious tone, when I am talking about a serious topic. Because I am nervous, I tend to smile throughout the whole presentation, which seems quite peculiar when you are talking about serious issues.

3. Use of body language? (posture, gestures, eyes, face)

Reflection: My goal was to efficiently use body language in order to strongly convey my message to the listeners. However, I wanted to be carefull not to overuse it. I thought I used body gestures a little bit too much, but I stayed at one spot throughout the presenatation.

Ideas for Improvement: For my next presentations, I want to avoid using too much body languages. Also I want to move around a little bit more to catch the audiences' attention.

4. Use of visuals?

Reflection:I dont really know if my visuals were effiecient, but I do not think it was great. I tried to use graphs and pictures, but I might had too much slides for a 3 min presentation.

Ideas for Improvement: I could have used less slides and pictures that have great impact.

5. Preparation & rehearsal process?

Reflection: I prepared for this presentation by brainstorming my ideas and making a powerpoint, and then presenting in front of the classmates and getting feedbacks from them.I did make a note for the presenation, but it was all written in sentences, so it was not very useful in a short period presenatation. I spoke better at the rehearsal, so hopefully next time I will be able to do as well as the rehearsal.

Ideas for Improvement: For the next presentation, I want to make my notes in a bullet point format, so if I forget what I want to talk about, I would be able to look at my notes and get onto the topic quickly. Also, I think I should have practiced more in front of other people.

Goals for Presentation

Purpose - To talk about something that I am passionate about. Send a message. To use the video for goal setting of presentation skill improvement.
Audience - My 9 AEP students at ICU.
Logistics - 3 min. limit + short Q&A, computer, project (I will use Google Presentations because I want to easily post it on my blog. No handouts. Three slides?

1. Preparation/Rehearsal
I prepared for this presentation by brainstorming my ideas and making a powerpoint, and then presenting in front of the classmates and getting feedbacks from them.
2. Content / Overall Impression

I want my audience to know that gender discrimination is not an issue that is fare related from us. I especially want to emphasize that all people should be treated equally no matter what gender they are, by making conncections with my personal experiences.

3. Voice
I tend to speak very fast when I am nervous, so I hope I can calm myself down. I also want to make as much eye contact as I can with the audience.

4. Body Language
I hope I can efficiently use body language in order to strongly convey my message to the listeners. however, I will be carefull not to overuse it.

5. Visuals
I want to use mostly images and pictures in my powerpoint.